The best running coaches UK

There are some very good running coaches in the UK. Unfortunately there are far too many coaches out there, who have neither qualifications or any personal running performances to speak of.

  • I will dismiss all coaches with without qualifications
  • I will not look at coaches with finisher medals
  • Any coaches who have lost weight and want to show you how to lose weight are not running coaches.
  • Any coaches running their first 10km or Marathon and wish to show you how to do it, will not be short listed.
Running, health & fitness should be thought of as a life style, not a jog once a week for unfit people. What I will be looking for is a coach who's life has always been running and fitness, who's interests are all running and fitness related. Which usually means all their friends are healthy and into fitness. This is because runners tend to associate themselves with like minded people.

If I am looking for a coach, I want a coach who looks fit and healthy. They don't have to have a special diet or be vegan but looking healthy is always paramount. I don't want a coach who is over-weight, and why would I. You want a coach you can look up to, a winner. A coach that knows second is a fancy name for loser. ( I got that one from my son !) Joking aside, I agree we can not all be first but you do want a coach to help you find your full potential.

Before I start the list, I need to establish certain criteria. I don't mean to be harsh but lets be realistic, you want a coach with running experience, excellent performances and qualifications.

  • The coach must be runner.
  • The coach must have had international success running, at the specific distance they coach.
  • The coach must have a coaching qualification OR show international success in coaching.
  • They say it takes 10,000 hrs to be an expert in a specific field. That would equate to around 6.5 years of coaching. The coach must have coached for a minimum of 7 years.
I have spent countless hours reading about coaches online, e-mailing for advise and asking questions. I have spoken to countless runners who use the services of running coaches.

Posing as a beginner runner and using various e-mail addresses, I ask coaches for their advise, some coaches have got back to me, whilst others after two or more e-mails have not.

There no such thing as the best coach but let us look at what is on offer:

  • Paul Fletcher. - 800m & 1500m, 10km and Marathon runners. 
  • Jonny Mellor - 10km & Marathon Distance
  • Gemma Carter. - Marathon and Ultra Running
Paul Fletcher
Elite Athlete & Qualified coach of 20 years. Voted Masters Athlete of The Year 2019 by athletics weekly. 800m, 1500m, & 10000m European Champion 2019. Paul a qualified coach of 20 years, specialises in endurance training, for runners, from 5km to Marathon.

Jonny Mellor
Elite Athlete & Qualified coach. Jonny has a personal best for the Marathon of under 2:11, which places him in the top 5 Marathon runners in the UK. With over 15 years competing at the highest level and having completed 8 Marathons, Jonny is capable of helping you find your true potential.
Jonny wearing bib number 1 @ the Liverpool Marathon. 

Gemma Carter.
Ultra running is any distance over Marathon distance, 42km. However it does not stop there as some of these races are 100 miles or more !
Elite Ultra Runner & qualified coach, Gemma has all the criteria above and more. She has been running from an early age, has the right qualifications and has a very impressive resume. If you need a coach for Ultra running, or just thinking of running your first Ultra, place Gemma on your short list.
    Gemma out on one of her long runs.
    South Downs Way 50miles-1st
Race To The Stones 50km-OA 1st

Coach Distance Distance Distance Distance
5km 10km Marathon Ultra
Paul Fletcher **** **** ****
Jonny Mellor *** ****
Gemma Carter
*** ****

Ask yourself what you want, write to a number of coaches and see what response you get. Have a live video chat and choose the coach for you.
